Friday, March 27, 2009
I was so nervous about having a big attendance that I didn't get to prepare myself in the way I wish I could've. But when that first song was sung I was touched. Our Savior is truly amazing and loves me. Why do I have to make life so difficult, why do I complain so much, why do I always want more. I realized last night how blessed I truly am. I have a husband who loves me and is perfect in every way for me. I have 3 adorable children who bring such light to my life that I can't imagine life without them. I have this new little baby growing inside me and I get to share in the excitement with my children as they come up with names for this little surprise, and nicknames. Alina has chosen to call the baby "sparkles" if it's a girl. All these little things make life great.
The Savior was spit upon, hated and hung on a cross to die, but he never complained or spoke ill of others. How sweet would life be if everyone could accept each other, and truly learn to love one another. My heart has been changed, I'm motivated to be a better person and to ALWAYS be grateful for what I have. Even if it's that I get to have lemon cake because I'm craving it (thanks Peggy and April), it's the little things that count. It's the little things I'll do to make my family and others lives better. For then I will truly be happy and in the service of God.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Student of the Week, Kittens, and St. George
After Austin got home from school there was some more excitement. We have a cat named Taboo whom we thought was a boy. We got him last summer after Tinkerbell died. Well a couple weeks ago I noticed that Taboo was getting fat. She ran into the house where she isn't allowed and I picked her up to put her back outside and I felt her stomach and realized that He was a SHE and was pregnant. My heart went out to her since I too am pregnant so we let her in every now and then. Last week she really started to waddle with her big stomach and last Friday as I was getting clothes out of my closet for our trip to St. George I heard Taboo purring in my closet. I moved my clothes to the side and this is what I found. Five little kittens as cute as can be. I had all the neighborhood kids up in my room checking them out. Poor Taboo just layed there and nursed them and she looked so tired. We were glad she didn't have them out in the cold. We just didn't realize it would be so soon we just found out she was a girl and pregnant about 2 weeks ago.
After getting the cats taken care of and asking Sammie our neighbor to watch them for me we finally got on the road to St. George with Trent and Jamie. We ran into some bad weather and didn't get there until 1am. The kids were so excited to be there though. The first day we went to the visitor center at the temple and here the kids are on the temple steps.
Then here they are trying to run as fast as they can to leave the temple. Apparently that was boring to them.
Then here they are at Brigham Young's home. There was a big pecan tree and the kids spent their time trying to find as many nuts as they could. Later that night I heard Greta and Hannah talking about how boring it was to just sit and listen to people talk. All they wanted to do was play. The adults enjoyed it though.
Greta brought Her Bella Dancerella DVD and mats so they could practice dancing. Alina brough 2 princess dresses and they just played and played.
We stayed at Trent's parents home while they were gone and they had this awesome playroom up in the attic. The kids loved it, we hardly ever saw Alina, it was her favorite part of the whole trip.
Have you seen these off an infomercial. They had another one in blue and they were really comfy. Jamie and I thought Cameron looked like a monk.
They also had this amazing back yard with tons of trees and a playground for the kids. Greta learned how to do the monkey bars and insisted on showing all of us at least 5 times.
Austin looooved the palm trees.

Here Cam is making Austin cry after beating him.

They had massage chairs everywhere and the kids were always sitting in one of them.

It was Trent and Jamie's 7th anniversary. I was craving Costco cake so we went and got one and we watched Jamie and Trent's wedding video. They didn't throw cake on one another like Cam and I did so I just mentioned that they could now since we had cake and Trent took me seriously.

On the last day we went to the dinosaur museum and out for frozen custard, it was good! These dinosaur track were found in 2000, they were really cool.

It was hard to leave the warm weather especially when we got to Spanish Fork and it was snowing! We had a great time. We even tried to go to church but missed it because of daylight savings. Trent and Jamie were a lot of fun to hang out with. When we got back we hung out that night and had pizza and watched a movie. Thanks for a great weekend guys!!