For New Years our kids really wanted us to party with them, but we had been invited to the Coe's for an adult only party. So we decided to do both. We played games with the kids and had sparkling cider and treats until 9pm and then we went to the adult party. That way everyone was happy. 

Alina is so cute, witty and creative. On Christmas Eve she said to me, "Santa says Ho HO HO and Santa loves Jesus and Jesus married Mary and Mary had a little Lamb." Seriously where does she come up with this stuff?!
Our little Olivia came down with an ear infection and the doctor put her on amoxicillin. Well after a couple days of being on it she broke out in hives. She looked so miserable, but still smiled through it all. Olivia, Greta and I are all allergic to amoxicillin, we have to have the expensive stuff!
This isn't the first time she has had hives. When she was born she broke out in hives all the time and I finally figured out that it was my laundry detergent. After trying many different kinds I finally found one that works that only Costco sells. I'm hoping that when I run out after 400 loads that I will be able to find it again, or that she will have outgrown her allergic reaction.