Sunday was such a great day. My brother Ryan reported from his mission and Nicole Maples down the street had her farewell. It's weird for me to see Ryan all grown up and home from his mission and so strong in his testimony. It's a really cool thing to see. He did such a great job on his talk, the spirit was strong with Nicole's talk on going on a mission and her choices for why and then Ryan finishing it up with stories about the spirit testifying to people he taught on his mission. It was such a wonderful sacrament meeting. And the whole Egan clan was there and we were all squished on the side benches together I loved it!
This is Ryan and John Vawdrey. They had their farewells on the same day, left for the MTC the same day, came home the same day and they both had homecomings the same day. John and his family moved to Washington a few years ago, but John stayed behind and went to the singles ward I went to and wanted to have a homecoming there. Unfortunately it was the same time as Ryan's so we weren't able to go, but we hung out the rest of the day at my parents with Becki and John.
It's my long lost friend Becki. I've missed her so much. We had so much fun catching up and just hanging out. Becki reminded my dad of the time he was ward clerk and was counting everyone in sacrament meeting and handed her a note when he passed her bench. He gave it to Becki's mom to give to her and the note said, "you left your cigarettes at my house so come and get them later." Hahaha , that's my dad always teasing, so many fun memories from my younger years.
Becki, Shan, and I went to see some old friend from highschool, Andrea and Jenn. All the boys stayed at home and had long deep doctrine discussions. It's what Cam, my brothers and my dad love to do every Sunday and having Ryan back to do so and John there to visit made it even better.
I'm glad you had so much fun!! 27 hours for game playing, that will be fun, hope you guys have 27 things full of sugar to stay up! You look really cute in your red sweater!
You do look hawt in your red sweater!
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