I've noticed how quickly my children are growing up. How right before my eyes they change every day. I promise this year to take more time to show them that I love them.
To hold them for as long as they want.
To read a bedtime story to them.
To sing to them.
To dance to Hannah Montanna with them.
To play games.
Go for walks.
To really listen to them.
To inspire them.
To build their confidence.
To laugh with them.
To be silly.
To snuggle with them while watching a movie.
To tell them many times daily how much I love them.
To help them develop their talents.
To teach them meaningful FHE lessons.
To be an example.
So that when they leave my home I'll have a good relationship with my children So that they will want to come home and visit often. So that they can grow up with confidence in themselves and know that we love them no matter what. So that I can soak up every memory of my children being small. I never want to forget these years, and I don't want them to either.