Thursday, September 1, 2011

Miss Sassy Pants

Mom: Livy do you want peanut butter on a spoon or bread?
Livy: Ummmmmmmmm.......a fork.

Mom: Livy do you want to wear this shirt or this shirt?
Livy: Ummmmmm.....just pants mom.

Livy: Mom I need to tell you a secret.

Mom: (I scoot in close and smell something not so nice)
Mom: I bet your secret is that you have a surpise in your pants for me.
Livy: (whispering)no.

Mom: Are you tricking me?
Livy: (whispering) Yes I tricking you mom.

1 comment:

kim said...

This face looks very familiar, I see it daily on my 3 year old. Kids are just way too much fun, attitude and all.