Alina turned 2 on Friday! I can hardly believe my baby is so big. She is talking in sentences and I really miss not being able to understand her chatter. She is so much fun.
We celebrated her birthday on Sunday. All week long I kept telling her it was her birthday week and she would get presents and cake and ice cream soon. On her acutally birthday when she woke up I told her again she'd get presents and cake in 2 more days and she got so mad. I think she was sick and tired of hearing about cake and presents and never getting them. My sister Shannon went to the store and bought her a dress and shoes and a small cake just for her so she wouldn't have to wait. She was in heaven!
I kept asking her what kind of cake she wanted and she was changing her mind everyday. Then one night she was reading a book to herself and it was about frogs. Since her favorite color is green it makes sense that she chose a green frog for her cake. She says frog a lot like my nephew Riley used to say truck. It sounds like a 4 letter swear word. You can imagine how it sounded when she kept saying "frog" over and over again when she saw her cake. Kids, you gotta love em.
She of course got spoiled rotten for her birthday. She received a grocery cart with nice wooden food that can't break, a dress, new shirts and pants, a new playhouse, a bubble blower from Cayden (he wanted it back right after she opened it), a baby doll that gets chicken pox, and a sand and water table. She was very happy.