The swings at the park had mud underneath them, so we had to be very careful getting on and off. Sadly, Greta slipped a little and dragged her feet in the mud on accident. It splashed up and got on her pants:

Greta was distraught. She stared down at her pants and tried to hold back the tears. She wanted to go home and change right away, but she didn't want to have to leave the park. The dilemmas of childhood!

I convinced her to stay, we got back on the swings, and we didn't have another accident again.
Oh Greta...i was so sad for you when I read this. I hate mud too. I'm glad you decided to keep playing though!
Greta seems to have some of her Dad in her. I recall a certain missionary that had to have everything so clean and perfect that when his new companion was coming to the area he moved from the dirty side of the room (where the wall was falling) to the side where he didn't have to deal with the mess. Then AFTER 2 months of not telling his companion, that he loved so much, about it it came out when his companion looked at some of someones old pictures!
All in all. Greta is like Cameron.
Still bitter huh? I wonder what you did when I left? Did you stay on the crummy falling-wall side of the room? Or did you perhaps switch sides too? Hmmmmmmmm?
That is so hilarious. I'm cracking up. She's gotten so big. Wow. What are we going to do?
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