How are you? I'm currently amazing!! I would like to start this E-mail by saying that me and Elder Zegarra currently hold the record in the history of the mission Peru, Piura for the most baptisms in one week!! The record currently stands at 11. Pretty crazy! This last week was one of the hardest tiring weeks of my life but was absolutely amazing! I can't even describe the way I feel right now!
The family Pacherez was baptized on Saturday (The parents are Juan and Griselda, and their three kids... Kateline Jackaline and Jonotan.) we had two marriages on Friday and three of the four were baptized (including Franklin and Darlin, and Esmelda, the husband of Esmelda is already a member). Then we had Carlos and Ismelda who are the cousins of Kati and Andi (my first baptisms) and also Anderson (his mom has been in active for years) on Wednesday. Pretty amazing!
We still have two families that just need to go to church and they can be baptized and several other individuals that we're working with too. And we almost broke the record for most baptisms in a month! We had 16 and the record is 18.
I've never felt this good in my life!
And on top of that... the pres gave each zone a goal for the month... what ever zone was able to complete the goal is going to some place far east of the mission. it's actually in another mission. but it's supposed to be like a mini machu pichu and it's in the jungle. But we go next Sunday and come back Tuesday! It's like a nine hour bus ride! And we were the only ones that completed the goal! We ended up with 32 baptisms. Half of those were ours. Pretty amazing!
This week was awesome! Today we haven't done anything! Which is awesome! I mean we had meetings and ate and watched October sky (approved by the pres) and now we're here and it's like five o clock. Now you asked about my room... my room is no bigger than twelve by twelve with a bathroom that I can touch all four corners while I'm going to the bathroom! It's pretty awesome! The food is awesome! I've never not had rice for lunch and dinner! They really like their fish here! Mariscos are the best! I actually hate them! They're small octopus! That look just like an octopus. But everything else I absolutely love! Our pension is a member who owns a restaurant which is awesome. She's way cool! She always makes good food. We either eat chicken or fish everday! but I really like it a lot!!
Tell Andrew I sent him a letter today! It should be there in about three weeks.
No we don't buy off the streets! well we can buy candy and stuff but not bread or hand made stuff! but we can buy these things called bodoques! They're so good! They're basically a Popsicle but they're made from real fruits and stuff! So good! And no we don't have a maid! Not at all! but our rooms small so it's easy to clean!
Oh and mom sorry but this week I don't have any time to write a letter to the ward! And next week I'm really not sure what's going on as far as e-mailing goes... it might be on Wednesday! Cause we'll be traveling to paradise! but idk! I guess we'll just have to see! But the second I have time I promise I will! If you want you can take this letter and reformate the good stuff to make it look like it was sent to the ward! hahah idk just an idea!
Well I'm out of time! Here are two pics! One is of me at the beach and the other is the family Pacherez!
Thank you for your e-mails!
Elder Egan
1 comment:
Good to hear you are alive...even if it is your brother! When can we get together?
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