How are all of you? fantastic I hope! Things are really great here in
Paita! this week we went to Kuelap! It was the small machu picchu!
We got back yesterday and are finally back to work! We left Sunday afternoon and drove and drove and drove! It Was a 12 and a half hour drive! Twice! Oh my! It was long! With eleven of us in a van!
we went with the pres as well! but it was totally worth it! I think it was the most beautiful place I've ever been to in my entire life! It really was just like a small machu picchu! It was in the very tops of the mountains and a city that was completely surrounded by walls for about a mile. And there was only one entrance in! It dates back to 800 b.c. and was built right before the Incas came in. then they took over and then about 95 years later the Spanish came in! Pretty amazing! I took at least 250 pics! If I have time I will definitely send some!
As far as the work goes... things are going great! We didn't have any
baptisms this week... and this coming week is going to be hard since
it’s mother’s day! Here when there's a holiday... it{s a holiday!
Everyone is out and about and usually drunk! For example the first of every month is a holiday! Only because that{s when everyone gets paid! And EVERYONE is drunk! I found that out a week ago! Oh my!!
So holly{s b day was yesterday! Tell her happy birthday for me! It{s
weird to think that I wasn't there for it! Oh my!
MOM....... HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!! And I have a gift for you!! I will
be calling this SUNDAY!!!! hahah I knew like two months ago but decided to wait to tell you! So make sure you're free on Sunday! I'm not sure what time we'll be calling! Church is at nine till noon and then we'll eat at about one so I'm assuming we'll call around 1 to 3! but I'm really not sure! just be ready! haha
Wait you guys have church at one don't you!? Ok new plan... I'll call that night when we go to the pension for dinner! Around seven to ninish your time! sound good! Ok! hahahh oh man!
Mom thank you for that scripture you sent! That really is an amazing
scripture! Believe it or not I used verse 35 just yesterday in a
lesson we taught! We have a ton of people that we're teaching! And a lot of them have accepted their date... the only problem is getting them to come to church! Especially all of the family! Obviously it's best if we can baptize the whole family together and not one here and one there! And a lot of times the dad can't come or the mom has to cook! Idk! it's difficult! but we're working hard and the lord will bless us!!
Doris... she's still the same! It{s hard to find her in her house to
talk to her! Really she just isn't progressing! We can't keep trying to find her home to talk to her to only have her not progress further! but we're really doing all that we can!
Norm... Wow that{s really sad about the seminary! I bet he took that
really hard! He really was kinda depending on that job and I know he
wanted it REALLY bad! That's too bad! I'll have to write him a letter!! Tell him I sad hi and sorry about the seminary position.
Dad... your questions;
My comp has never been with a comp for more than two cambios (each
cambio is 6 weeks). And so I might be getting a new comp this coming Tuesday! Or I might be with him for another six weeks!
Average length to have a comp is prob about 12 weeks or two cambios!
How long does it take to get someone baptized after we teach the first lesson... ideally two weeks! They need to have gone to church twice and
they can be baptized their second Sunday! But like I said the hardest thing is getting them to come to church!
How much to get them married... it{s about 250 soles! So like 80
bucks! not much... but 250 soles here is a ton! We only get as missionaries 110 to buy anything we need for the entire month!
So that{s pretty much it! I hope things are awesome at the house!
Oh last thing... the mariscos! They're kinda like what you described
mom! but a little different! About the same size but look a little
different! I don't know how to explain it! but yeah that{s basically it! hahah they're quite tasty!
Well tell everyone hi for me!
Thank you for your prayers and your e-mails!
Elder Egan
1 comment:
That place looks beautiful!
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