Friday, October 23, 2009

Greta- Student of the Week and Month

Greta loves kindergarten and has overcome her shyness. Her dad and I couldn't be prouder of her. She loves learning and can't wait until she can read an entire book by herself, she isn't far from that.

In her kindergarten class she was student of the week. This is where all the kids get an opportunity to make a poster about themselves with pictures and whatever else they want. Greta's student of the week happened to fall on the same week that her teacher elected her to be student of the month. The principal came in to give her a gift certificate to Applebee's and a certificate for being such a great student. We love you Greta and all that you have accomplished.

Greta and her teacher Mrs. Spaulding.

1 comment:

Lyndee W. said...

Greta is learning to come out of her shell and I'm so happy! She answers my questions in Primary and she let me help her with her bat wings at the Halloween Party! Sure do love that little girl.