Greta was very brave today and wanted to bear her testimony. We were sitting in Sacrament when she told me. She really wanted Cameron or I to go up with her. We told her we couldn't help her and were worried that if we went up with her she would back out. All of a sudden Greta walked up to the front and Cam and I looked at each other in shock.
When it was her turn she bravely walked to the pulpit and started her testimony, "I'd like to bear my testimony, I know this church is true." And then she paused and her face had a bit of fear in it. She looked at us with big tears in her eyes and Cam ran up to save her. Cam then bore his testimony and it was very spiritual. We were so proud of Greta, it's a huge thing she has accomplished.
All day at church I had people come up to me and tell me how much they were touched. One lady told me that she was having a really hard time the past few weeks and was given a blessing Friday night. In the blessing she was told she would have a really spiritual experience on Sunday and she told me she knew that Greta's testimony was that spiritual experience she was promised to have in the blessing. When I checked my email I also had some comments from friends on Greta's testimony here is what they said.
I think Greta's testimony was my favorite part of church today. What a great example coming from such a sweet little girl. I know how hard that was for her-but it had such a profound effect for everyone there in that meeting. I don't think I'll ever forget that. Teresa Vehar I was so proud of Greta today! I saw her walk up there and gasped in astonishment and waited on the edge of my seat to see if she would actually say anything...my heart broke for her as she started to cry and I swear I was just getting ready to go up and get her when Cam stood up...I'm so proud of her! What an amazing feat of courage and a wonderful example to us all. You're a wonderful momma and I am blessed to be your friend. Lyndee Wilkerson
We are so proud of you Greta, you are a wonderful daughter and love being your parents!
1 comment:
And everything I emailed you was totally true! Love you and your family.
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