Our Livvy Lou, Princess Squishy, Livvy, Squish Tot is One! We have had such a great year with our little girl. She is so much fun in every way. Here is why we love Olivia.

Olivia loves to play peek-a-boo. She'll do it with her hands, food, toys, or blankets. She just loves to play.

Olivia loves to be outside. She wants to explore everything, but mostly she just wants to be with her brother and sisters. I'll take her in the stroller to meet Austin and Greta from school and she gets so excited to see them.

Olivia loves her brother and sisters. She has a really hard time when Austin and Greta go to school and Alina goes to play. She will follow me around the house crying because she wants them home. When they do get home it's lots of hugs and smiling.
haha I got a kick out of that!! We love her! I was showing Faith this post and I swear she scream all excited, "LIVIA" - at least it sounded like it, and she was laughing and all giddy! they are both looking so old!!
Geez that went by so fast. I love the picture of her outside with the dandelion. It's sooo cute.
What an awesome post! Happy Birthday Olivia! You're so beautiful!
Holy crap she is adorable. And I laughed right out loud at the last pic...awesome face Cam!
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