Thursday, April 22, 2010

Olivia is ONE!

Our Livvy Lou, Princess Squishy, Livvy, Squish Tot is One! We have had such a great year with our little girl. She is so much fun in every way. Here is why we love Olivia.

Every morning when she sees me she reaches for me to get her out of her crib.

We love when she wakes up with her crazy hair and boogers everywhere. All she wants to do is eat right away. She'll give everyone a hug and then she wants foooood! She loves pancakes. She always wants to stand in her highchair no matter how many times we tell her not to.

Olivia loves animals. She loves to snuggle all the kittens.

Every morning and night for prayers Olivia will fold her arms. It's so sweet. She will even mumble like she is praying. She is just so cute.

And sometimes she'll even bow her head.

Olivia loves to play peek-a-boo. She'll do it with her hands, food, toys, or blankets. She just loves to play.

Olivia loves to take a bath. Her two favorite words are "bath" and "food."

Olivia loves to be outside. She wants to explore everything, but mostly she just wants to be with her brother and sisters. I'll take her in the stroller to meet Austin and Greta from school and she gets so excited to see them.

She loves to swim. She loves to try and drink all the water and gets mad when we won't let her.

She loves babies. This is her cousin Madison and Olivia always wants to hug her until she starts crying. Then she thinks she needs to hug her more so she'll stop crying. She has no idea that she is the reason why Madison is crying.

This is her little best friend Faith. They are 8 months apart. They love being together and luckily Olivia's hugs are well received with Faith.

Olivia has so many funny faces. This is her fish face. She will do it on command. When she was younger she would stick her tongue out and say "Ahhhhh" to us each morning. It was her own special hello.

This is her cheesy smile that she does all the time. I hope she never stops giving us this smile.

Olivia loves her brother and sisters. She has a really hard time when Austin and Greta go to school and Alina goes to play. She will follow me around the house crying because she wants them home. When they do get home it's lots of hugs and smiling.

Most of all we love how Olivia loves her whole family. Already at a young age she recognizes how important family time is. I'm so glad she loves being with us because we sure love being with her. Happy Birthday Olivia!


Jamie said...

haha I got a kick out of that!! We love her! I was showing Faith this post and I swear she scream all excited, "LIVIA" - at least it sounded like it, and she was laughing and all giddy! they are both looking so old!!

Jenalee said...

Geez that went by so fast. I love the picture of her outside with the dandelion. It's sooo cute.

Katie Gee said...

What an awesome post! Happy Birthday Olivia! You're so beautiful!

Lyndee W. said...

Holy crap she is adorable. And I laughed right out loud at the last pic...awesome face Cam!