Thursday, July 8, 2010

Unwavering Faith

I've recently read two books that have changed my thinking about life. It's changed how my faith works. Crazy thing is I've always known this. I've applied the same principles all my life but didn't understand what I was doing.

When Cameron and I lived in Idaho I was unhappy. We were poor, living pay check to pay check with nothing left over to ever do anything fun. I wanted a change, I needed a change. My sister told me to make a vision board, I did just that. I listed the dollar amount I wanted put up a picture of the the kind of home I wanted to live in, and I believed it would happen. I knew it would happen. I had NO doubts. I also studied faith like crazy in the scriptures, and I learned a lot.

A couple of weeks after I made my vision board Cameron came home from work and I knew the second I saw him he had been laid off. I wasn't even nervous or scared. I KNEW we would be okay.

A couple of weeks before this Cameron and I both felt prompted to start applying to jobs back in Utah. We didn't know why, we just KNEW we should. Cameron was laid off on a Tuesday. He already had two interviews set up in Utah for Friday of the same week.

Cameron went into that interview knowing he would get the job on the spot, and he did. The dollar amount was $10,000 less than what we wanted, but still more than we had ever made before. We were okay with it though because we had given a time limit of making a certain amount by the end of the year, and it was only May. And we were grateful for this job.

The job was hard and frustrating. We didn't have a good feeling about it, but it did get us back to Utah where we wanted to be. The job was also with a home builder so we thought that maybe this was how we were going to get our dream home. Things didn't happen that way at all. Cameron once again felt like he should start looking again. We did and on December 10th he started his new job making $10,000 more than what we had stated on our vision board. That's $20,000 more a year from his previous job.

On Christmas Eve we finally sold our home in Idaho and moved into our house in Eagle Mountain. As we were unpacking our boxes I found our vision board. Here is a picture of what we wanted our house to look like.

And here is a picture of our home now.

We got our home by applying simple principles of faith. By actually believing it, not just asking, but believing and being grateful before we even received it. We got $10,000 more a year than we wanted. It works. I just wish I hadn't forgotten these principles when Cameron was laid off again last November. It's okay though because now I know exactly what to do and my vision board is made and I'm grateful for this trial. My spirituality has grown like crazy and my children will learn all of this at a young age.

And now I want to be like this special woman.

She's on my vision board to help me become a better person, a better mother. And to always remember that everything comes from God. We accomplish nothing on our own. And all of our gratitude goes to our Heavenly Father for his bounteous blessings. And the Robinson family is going to be greatly blessed, just wait and see.


Lyndee W. said...

What a great post Holly! Your "vision" home is practically identical!

Jamie said...

Wow that gave me the chills looking at your home and the vision board!!! Awesome!

Jenalee said...

Ah the vision board. I remember that.

You have great faith. I often come to you when I am running a bit low. I know that it's a little bit of a joke but when you tell me that you "see" something in my life, I honestly believe you!! You give me hope. And gratitude. I have high school friends and neighbor friends, and ward friends, but you are an exceptional friend. And for that I am often thankful. I love you Hol! Oh, and I CAN'T WAIT for Thursday!

Jamie said...

p.s- You are going to have to come up with a new vision board, since you already have the house, and you already are a very special, wonderful woman who I admire.

Kim said...

Hey, Justin and I were talking about vision boards and I wanted to share your story with him and we were wondering what two books you read that changed your thinking about life.
