Now that this little girl is two she has changed completely. I thought we had already entered the terrible two stage, boy was I wrong. I didn't realize temper tantrums could get worse. This girl is spoiled, and not always in a good way.
But despite her spoiled little attitude it is there for good reason, she's just so darn cute. She can get her way with anyone, because she knows how to work it. She knows how to say "peeeease" with pleading little eyes and a sweet little voice. And if you happen not to fall for it you better watch out because her wrath will be released and you might end up with your eyes scratched out.
On the other hand she is so sweet at times and I just can't get enough of her. The way she say's "Wuv you mommy." Or how she wants us to snuggle her every day. The ways she says "Peeease?" Or how excited she gets when she sees her siblings. This girls loves people and she always wants to be with them.
Now that she's two she doesn't want to take naps anymore and has started climbing out of bed. When we switched her to a bed a few months ago we counted our lucky stars that she actually stayed in bed. Not only would she stay in bed, but she wouldn't get out in the mornings until her calls woke us up and we came and got her. But now she's figured out she can get out all by herself, and she does constantly.
With spring here and warmer weather she wants to be outside always. The second she wakes up she's asking for cereal and wants to eat it outside. We go on lots of walks. She jumps on the tramp daily. She loves to look, smell, and pick my flowers.
Olivia loves to dance. She loves to sing. She makes up songs everyday and they all end with "we all fall down." She loves to perform, and we love to watch her and tape her all the time.
I can't believe my baby is two. Where has the time gone. But we are soaking up every little thing she does and loving her for it. We love our Livy Lou and her spunky little personality,. We'll take her even if she does get mad and try to scratch our face off.
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