We woke up to a white Christmas! It snowed all night. We had a great time visiting family. For Christmas this year we got my parents cash. Ryan had the great idea to hid money in easter eggs and give them 30 seconds to find all the eggs. It was fun watching them try to find all that cash.
We missed Mike this year. It's hard not to have him here for Christmas. We had so many fun plans for photo shoots with him in his Santa suit. Christmas won't be the same without him. :( But we are very grateful we finally got to know him and have him in our life even if it was for a short time.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
For Christmas Eve we went to my parents and had a white elephant exchange. We had so much fun and there were a lot of funny gifts given. The kids all had a great time. I love it when my family gets together and we just have fun. The kids couldn't wait to go to bed so they could wake up in the morning, me either!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Mormon Gangster Olivia
Liv and I went to the store and she was in a silly mood. She got a mischievous look on her face pointing at a stranger and whispered, "Mom let's beat him up." Where does she come up with this stuff?
And this picture is her pretending to be sad, she's a good little actress.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Easter 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Time Goes By
Time is going by so fast.
I love having Livy home with me while the others at are school.
I love that it's finally getting warm so we can play outside.
I love watching her color with chalk and take her babies for walks.
I love giving her underdogs on the swing.
I love her pretend food I have to eat.
I love her boogery kisses.
I love her sticky fingers.
I love how she can't wait for her siblings to get home from school.
It's all going by too fast.
I love that it's finally getting warm so we can play outside.
I love watching her color with chalk and take her babies for walks.
I love giving her underdogs on the swing.
I love her pretend food I have to eat.
I love her boogery kisses.
I love her sticky fingers.
I love how she can't wait for her siblings to get home from school.
It's all going by too fast.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Dress Up Week
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Potty Trained Soon (crossing our fingers)
Olivia just decided she wanted to go in the potty. We've been dreaming of this day. She did really good all day. Then when I was making dinner she snuck away to show her friends her new undies. I caught a picture of her running down the sidewalk after Austin found her for me. At least she wasn't naked.

Friday, March 16, 2012
Alina's Lunch Dates
Alina wanted me to come to school to see her leprechaun trap. She decided if the leprechaun had a beautiful place to live he might just stay. But just in case he didn't she put a penny in the middle of a bunch of tape to keep him there.

When all the kids went in Liv kept saying, "one more time mom!" It ended with me carrying a very tired crying little girl home. But we'll just forget about that part. :)

Liv and I went to lunch and recess with Alina. Both of these girls love to play at recess together.

When all the kids went in Liv kept saying, "one more time mom!" It ended with me carrying a very tired crying little girl home. But we'll just forget about that part. :)

My kids are growing up too fast. I entered a photo challenge and the theme for the week is transition. I look at all these pictures and they tell a story of how much my kids have grown. And how much my littlest can't wait to be big like her older siblings. I really just want them all to stay just as they are right now for a little while longer and all they want to do is transition from young to old.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
My Pet Head
We received Freddy the bodiless head from a white elephant gift exchange. He gets to live with us for a year. Olivia was terrified of him at first. In fact the first morning he was there the kids found him and were terrified. It took them awhile to warm up to him, especially Olivia, but now she loves him. When we go outside with him she puts a scarf on him. Today she decided he needed to go on a walk. I love this picture. :)

Monday, February 27, 2012
Young Women's
I recently got released from my calling as an advisor in the Mia Maid organization. It's been really hard for me. I miss teaching those girls, being with them on Wednesday, and feeling of their spirit. I miss it so much it's hard for me to think about. They have made me feel loved so much in the past two years, it's hard to say goodbye to it all. And I'm just starting to realize all the things that I'll be missing out on, like youth conference and girls camp. I'm so grateful that they still come visit me and hug me when they see me at church. They've even come in to say hi to me at my new calling in nursery a few times.
I've learned so much from these beautiful young women, they've been a light and inspiration to my life. I can't wait to see the wonderful things they accomplish. I know they will all do amazing things. I know that they will make a difference and raise righteous children. I truly love all the young women in my ward and I'm so grateful for them and that I got to spend two glorious years with them.
Friday night I got to serve at the Young Women Medallion dinner with some of these beautiful young women. It was a great night. I'll take all the service opportunities I can to be with the youth.
I've learned so much from these beautiful young women, they've been a light and inspiration to my life. I can't wait to see the wonderful things they accomplish. I know they will all do amazing things. I know that they will make a difference and raise righteous children. I truly love all the young women in my ward and I'm so grateful for them and that I got to spend two glorious years with them.
Friday night I got to serve at the Young Women Medallion dinner with some of these beautiful young women. It was a great night. I'll take all the service opportunities I can to be with the youth.

Sunday, February 19, 2012
This boy kills me. He's always cracking jokes and singing songs. Whenever his friends come over they say, " you guys like to sing a lot." It's so true, we are always singing in our house. And I love that my kids make up songs because that's what I grew up with. My dad and his crazy songs. There are many times I'll hear a song on the radio and the tune is right but the words are wrong. Cameron always tells me, "that's because your dad changed the words." I love how much we were sung to, I love that my kids can make up a song on the spot and most the time it rhymes. I love hearing Austin sing. Here's a letter he had to write for school on what he wants for Christmas. I read it over and over again because it is his personality all wrapped up into 2 paragraphs.
Dear Mom and Dad,
I want a football for Christmas. I think I deserve a football because I have lovely singing. Oh ya and my lovely dancing. So give me a FOOTBALL!!! PLEASE?!?!?! I think you like my singing, right?
Well I don't think you like my singing so I don't have another reason. But I'm good at football. So I need a good football to play with, and I was good this year. I think.
Love, Austin
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Livy and The Camera
Livy wanted to do a photo session so we got her all dolled up for it. She's growing up so fast and I'm sure going to miss her little chubby cheeks when they thin out. Growing up happens so fast, and she's still seems like she should just be a baby. I need to take lots of pictures so I never forget her at this age. It's a good thing I love taking pictures.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Livy and her baby
Olivia got two baby dolls for Christmas. Her favorite one was from her grandpa Mike. She's named her baby Ashlyn (after her little friend). She takes her doll everywhere and treats her like she's real. We have to be quiet when her baby is napping and watch as Olivia swings her all around the room. We take her on walks to the park and make sure she has plenty to eat. She's a great little mommy.

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