Sunday, February 19, 2012


This boy kills me. He's always cracking jokes and singing songs. Whenever his friends come over they say, " you guys like to sing a lot." It's so true, we are always singing in our house. And I love that my kids make up songs because that's what I grew up with. My dad and his crazy songs. There are many times I'll hear a song on the radio and the tune is right but the words are wrong. Cameron always tells me, "that's because your dad changed the words." I love how much we were sung to, I love that my kids can make up a song on the spot and most the time it rhymes. I love hearing Austin sing. Here's a letter he had to write for school on what he wants for Christmas. I read it over and over again because it is his personality all wrapped up into 2 paragraphs.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I want a football for Christmas. I think I deserve a football because I have lovely singing. Oh ya and my lovely dancing. So give me a FOOTBALL!!! PLEASE?!?!?! I think you like my singing, right?

Well I don't think you like my singing so I don't have another reason. But I'm good at football. So I need a good football to play with, and I was good this year. I think.

Love, Austin

1 comment:

Jenalee said...

I didn't know Austin could do this! I'll make him sing for dessert next time.