Thursday, February 9, 2012

Spelling Bee 2012

We are so proud of Greta for choosing to participate in the spelling bee for her first time. She's overcome being shy in so many ways and this is just one example of many. She was scared when it finally came time, but she did great. There were close to 50 contestants and she was #14. On the first round she got the word Friday and spelled it right. It was the hardest word given that first round. The 2nd round she got whisk and forgot the h. That was the only word she struggled with on that first side of 220 words we studied. I can't believe that was the one she got.

After she missed the word she had to sit on the stage and wait for the round to end. Then she was able to come sit with us, when she did she broke down in tears. She was so sad she missed the word. We didn't care that she missed and after comforting her she decided to see who won. A kid in our ward Jacob Hill ended up taking first and his cousin (also in our ward) Livy Porter took 3rd. Greta was happy for them both.

To celebrate we took her to her restaurant of choice Chuckarama. It was so fun for me to be able to study with her. It took me back to my years of studying for the spelling bee and how much fun I had competing in it. I won it one year and got to on to the district spelling bee. I hope Greta will try again next year, along with Austin and Alina.

Alina was a great help to me that night by watching Olivia. However one time Alina was trying to get Olivia to be quiet and I was so wrapped up in the spelling bee I had tuned out the fact that Olivia was screaming. I quickly ran and got her and took her out. :)


Jenalee said...

Way to go Greta! She really has overcome her shyness in tons of ways! Maybe she could talk to Jack about it...

Abbey Zmoos said...

Yay for Greta!! I am so proud! She is such a special girl and so smart. Tell her I said GOOD JOB! I'm coming at the end of March, I hope I get to see you both!