Thursday, February 28, 2013

Facebook Posts From February

Feb-1-Olivia just said to me, "Mom when baby Lincoln is almost here is your stomach going to be bigger than your butt?" She's lucky she's so cute.

February 4- Livy: mom I just did something awesome!
Then she shows me that she wrote the #6 and as I'm taking the picture she's singing in a cocky voice, "I'm a smarty pants, oh yeah."

February 6-Livy was playing church with her babies and I hear her say, "does anyone know how Jesus died....(pause)...that's right he ate a poisonous apple." I had to clarify the truth of how he died. She still doesn't believe me.

February 6-It sure makes for a humorous family scripture night when the 3 year old wants to read and the verse she gets has the word a$$ in it, and then she misunderstands me on the next part and says "freaking socks" instead of feed among his flocks.

February 8-A sure sign that our lazy way of speaking confuses children. I found this note on Alina's door, "Alina and Olivia's club, no boys allowed, busept dad."

February 8-Olivia: mom remember how you grounded all the other kids today? Me: No, I didn't ground them. Olivia: yes you did...OK, OK, OK,OK..... If you say okay then I'll stop stop saying ok, but if you don't I won't stop......OK, OK, OK, OK OK OK OK OK

February 15th-Olivia: Mom do you think when we go to the store everyone is going to stare at me because I'm so cute in my new skirt? Me: Yep Liv, I'm sure they will. Olivia: Well then I'm mad at everyone, I don't want them to stare at me.

 Feb 21st-Liv-(pretend phone ringing) Hello....what do you want boyfriend?.......No I won't watch your cat, you don't even have a cat, DUH! (she hangs up).
Liv-(pretend phone rings again) What now boyfriend? I won't watch your baby I'm teaching school!
Me-Your boyfriend doesn't sound very nice why are you his girlfriend?
Liv-I'm not his girlfriend, he's just my boyfriend, DUH!

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