Thursday, November 1, 2007


Well Halloween was a bit of a crazy day for our family. Greta woke up with the flu and I woke up with larengitis. I had Austin's school party to go to, thank heavens for my dad and Melinda. My dad watched Greta and Melinda took Alina for me so she could play with Cayden. It was a crazy day. Greta came down with a high fever about 5:00pm and I was out of medicine so Ryan ran to the store for her. She was sleeping when it was time for trick or treating and we couldn't wake her up. Cam and I took Alina and Austin around to a few houses and then Matthew and Melinda came over and Greta finally woke up. She had to be pushed in a stroller and I took up her bucket for her. She was miserable, we all felt so bad for her.

There were 2 homes that had some awesome "haunted house" themes. Our neighbor had a frankenstein theme and he's really tall and had a great frankenstein costume. He'd just stand next to the garage and the second you walked up to him he'd move and scare all the kids. They also had a coffin with someone banging inside and then they'd come out. And of course the candy bucket was sitting in the lap of a monster that looks fake, but it wasn't. All the kids were screaming and not one of them dared take a piece of candy by themselves. There were so many people watching all the mayhem, it was so fun!

Yes, that is Cameron in the scary scream costume. He even wore it to work. Matthew and Cameron scared a few kids trick or treating. They had a fog machine and mask and pretended to be stuffed and while the kids tried to figure out if they were real one of them would move and send them off screaming. It was great!
All in all it was a great Halloween, Greta was even happy that she got LOTS of candy!


Ashlee said...

Looks like you guys had fun! That too bad for little Greta. No fun! And laringitis? Sheesh! Where was your costume? Don't tell me you didn't have one! :0)

Anonymous said...

Austin makes the perfect Harry Potter.

Shan said...

Hey Holl! Okay, it looks like it is working now. Tell the kids hello and that I will see them very soon. My flight leaves on the 17th early morning. I arrive at 10:30 am on the 17th! Tell the kids they look real cute in their costumes. Tell Aust and Grets we will go get them a birthday present okay when I get home! Later!