Austin, Greta, Alina, Caden, and Carson had a big surprise tonight......Santa came to see them. They all sent a letter to him about 2 weeks ago. They have been patiently waiting for a letter back from him, but he surprised them with a visit. He told them that he only visits the very best behaved children and they made the list.
The all sat on his lap, except Greta and Alina had to have dad there too. He remembered their lists and also knew all about what they were doing in their life. He even gave them a bit of advice on how to improve on some behaviors.:)
Austin is a true believer. Santa brought him a pack of Yu-Gi-Oh cards and every single card in the deck was a new card to his 500+ collection. He's never gotten a deck that didn't have at least 3 duplicates. It even had a card with a tiger on it, his favorite animal. He was astounded, so were we:)
He brought Greta and Alina matching cases of makeup. We are in for some fun. Alina got into Greta's makeup from her birthday and oiled her whole head with body glitter. I've washed her hair 3 times and I can't get the glitter or oily look out. We'll see how it goes with the new makeup.
Caden got a book and Carson got a teether. Caden wasn't scared at all, he even gave Santa a high five when he left.
It was so much fun! To make it even more magical 2 minutes before he showed up it started snowing. We already have a good 4 inches!
The kids can hardly wait for Christmas, they are going to be very happy with what Santa has in store for them Christmas morning.
There are 3 more posts after this one. I've been really busy this week and didn't have time to get them on every day so scroll down:)
I love Christmas! This is what makes it so awesome for parents. Creating the magic for your kids. So awesome that Santa could actually come to your house. Wish I would have thought of that one! ;0) It's snowing today here. Still going. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Can't wait for you guys to come up!
You could still have Santa come to your house. I can't believe there is only a little over 2 more weeks! I'm so excited!
Is that really Uncle Carl? He looks so cheery! That's awesome! Nothing a fall from a roof can't cure. Anyways, glad to see that even Austin was fooled. He can be a tough one. It's quit surprising that the Yu Gi Oh deck turned out so well. I wonder...did he stay long at the house? Did Aunt Darlene come with him? Did she dress up as Mrs. Clause?
That is uncle Karl, crazy hu! Dar came with Karl, but she came to the door first and brought goodies and we just visited, and then Santa came to help with the illusion. When he was leaving Austin wanted to go with him to see the reindeer, we had to distract him quickly!:)
oh, and Dar didn't dress up as Mrs. Claus. And the Yu-Gi-Oh deck couldn't have happened more perfectly!!! Dad picked it out.
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