After the devotional we walked temple square with about 20,000 other people. It was a bit crazy, but beautiful.
Then I learned how to make my own stockings and I think they turned out great! I love them. They have the colors of Christmas along with my regular decorating colors. Who would've thought I could tie it all together, thanks to Shelley for letting me realize how to put colors together.

Then we made gingerbread houses with the Coe's. Cameron and Trent put on the frosting and were in constant competition on who's house looked better. Boys.

Peggy Cannon in our ward taught me how to make these cute candy lights. I went over to her house and she had everything ready for me. I love these lights and have decided I'm going to make some for my kids rooms for next year.

Then on Saturday we had our ward Christmas breakfast put on by our fabulous Activities Committee. We had an awesome pancake breakfast with scrambled eggs, sausage, and juice. Then Santa came to visit the kids. Some of the kids recognized that Santa was none other than Condon Hansen. Even Alina saw Condon after Santa was gone and told her dad that he was Santa. Kids are too smart.

Even Greta sat on Santa's lap.

Alina pretending to be shy.

Then they had a pajama contest. Cam went up and modeled his pj's with a pink boa. He won the guys award for best pj's.

Then after the party Eagle Mountain City had Santa and Mrs. Claus drive around the neighborhood in a fire truck. It was a great week and now we have another week of fun activities planned. My sister will be here from New York on Thursday and she gets to stay until January 31st so we will have lots of things to do. We can't wait!!
Yesterday the kids did their primary program. They did a great job. Austin told me after that he loves doing the program because it makes his testimony stronger and not so afraid to share it. Even Greta sang and said her part. I love watching my kids learn and gain a testimony, what a great week!!
You have been one busy, crafty lady! Holy cow! :0)
I love the stockings...they turned out so cute! I've been waiting for a post to see them! I agree with have been busy. Aren't the holidays joyful?! BTW, I love Alina's "shy" face...her little grin gives her away! Oh, and I always knew Cam was a little feminine...rainbows and now a pink boa...hmmm, should we be worried!? LOL
Wow, you have been busy lady!!!!! Your stockings are cute. I was going to make mine, but never got around it and so I just ended up buying them instead. Someday maybe, but probably not!! Real Deals has some really cute ones that are very inexpensive. That is so fun to have a Christmas breakfast instead and have a pj contest. Brother, you make me laugh. To bad that I missed your strut I am sure that it was impressive!!
This week was fun! I LOVE the stockings they turned out really cute!!
I got tired just reading that!
Sisters, the shirt I was wearing for the pj contest was none other than our "Meet the Robinsons" t-shirt. It was quite an ensemble I chose.
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