Christmas is one of our favorite times of year for our family. It seems that nowdays kids are given so much throughout the year that they don't appreciate the gifts given to them at Christmas. Cameron and I really want our kids to feel the true meaning of Christmas, to understand it and want to to good not only at Christmas but always.

My friend last year gave us this manger. It's a service manger for my kids. What they have to do is serve someone, anyone and they get to put a piece of straw in the manger each time they serve. On Christmas morning we put a doll that acts as baby Jesus in the manger and the kids get to see how soft they made his bed with all their service. When we pulled this out of our Christmas decorations the kids remembered and were excited. They instantly started making my bed and each others beds. They always try to be secret about who and how they serve and they work together on serving. I think they are getting the true meaning of Christmas and I love this new tradition in our home.
Yesterday Austin wanted to buy his own Christmas tree with his own money he has earned. It's a little 4.5ft tree and he invited his friends over to help make ornaments. I went upstairs to do some laundry and came down to all 3 of my kids and their friends singing Christmas songs while making ornaments. I grabbed the video camera and taped them without them knowing. It was so cute. Kids feel the spirit this time of year, it's just important that we point out to them that what they are feeling is the Spirit. They'll want to feel it more when they realize what it is they're feeling.
On a side note when Austin and his friends were putting up Austin's tree they were all commenting on how small it is. I told them that if they didn't stop being so negative we wouldn't put it up anymore. Austin's friend Braden looked at me and said, "Oh my gosh this tree is huge, look at how big it is." And then they all had a great attitude about the size of the tree and had fun putting the ornaments on. Kids are so cool!
Merry Christmas!
I love that you try so hard to teach your children these gospel principles. You're an awesome Mom, Holly!
Did you finish your stockings? I wanna see a pic!
I love it, I want a service manger. It was fun hanging out today, thanks for being such a good friend. I love that you guys moved here.
I have to agree with Shelley! What a cute idea!!!
What a great visual reminder for your kids. I would love to have one of those. Maybe my kids will start making their beds too. :0)
Now I've just got to figure out how to swing this into getting them to make my bed. And pick up my socks, and mow the lawn, and shovel the walk, and...
...and what about child labor laws, Cam?
It's service...
That is super cute. It's nice to remind your kids of the reason for the season. Cameron Gavin says that's why we have kids, right!
Exactly Becki. I'm only trying to instill good values in my children...
Cam, can you instill "good values" & teach my husband how to serve his wife? JK
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