I started having contractions Tuesday night around 2:30am. I couldn't sleep because I was so excited and nervous so I got up and folded laundry and packed a bag for the kids. I woke up Cameron at 4am and told him I'd been having contractions for the last couple of hours. We waited until they were consistently 5 mintues apart and woke up the kids and left our house around 5:30am. We took them to my parents and by the time we got there they were consistently 3 minutes apart so we headed off to Alta View Hospital.
When we got there they checked me and told me I was dialted to a 4 and 50% effaced. Then my contractions suddenly weren't consistent anymore, they were every 3 to 5 to 7 minutes apart. My doctor had a busy day so we decided to just let me labor on my own and if they wouldn't get consistent they'd put me on Potocin. A different doctor came in to break my water and it didn't work. They decided to give me the epideral even though my contractions weren't painful and start me on PIT. They tried to break my water again and it worked this time. They said my amniotic fluid was a bit greenish and were worried about meconium. I was really nervous because a baby in our ward was in the NICU for a week from meconium. Cam gave me and the baby a blessing and the spirit was very strong. I knew she'd be okay and I didn't think about it again. I'm very grateful for my husband for honoring his priesthood, I was immediately comforted and that's what I needed.
I finally talked Cameron into going and getting a book at the Wal-Mart next door. We really thought I'd go in and have the baby quickly after how fast Alina was. We weren't prepared to sit and wait. He left and about 10 minutes later I felt the baby move down and called for the nurse and sure enough Olivia was ready. They called the doctor and I called Cam and told him he better get back here quick. He showed up and 15 minutes later Oneida (my doctor) came and I pushed 3 times and she was born.
Everyone was excited to see what we were having since it was a surprise, but because of the meconium scare the nurses and my doctor were busy cleaning out her mouth and nose. Cam and I were sure she was going to be a boy and didn't even look for a couple of minutes after she was born and then I looked down and said "Cam it's a girl!" And he said "What?!?" We were shocked, but instantly in love with our little Olivia.
We called the kids to tell them and Austin cried when we told him, but the second he saw her he loved her and still wants to share his room with his new little sister.
Your labor/ delivery sounded a lot like mine with Faiths. They must be bound to be friends :) I love how her lips look like that when she is done eating!! What a cutie!! Glad you are feeling well, if you ever need a nap you know where to send the kids.:)
Holly, she is such a doll! I'm glad you are enjoying her so much. I can't wait to meet her!
I could just hold her all day long... she is so sweet. I love her hair.
oh my gosh I love her she is so stinking cute. I am so glad that both of you are doing good and are healthy. I can't wait to see her and hold her.
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