Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Moon Experience

So my friend Janet who I didn't even get a picture of is a BIG Twilight fan and I decided to help her work the New Moon Experience at the South Towne Expo this year. Because I worked it I was able to get a free t-shirt, gift bag, into the event for free and see the movie for free. It was actually a lot of fun. Lots of my friends from my ward helped too. And my favorite cousin Lyndsey.

The movie was great and I had a lot of fun just getting out of the house and hanging out with my friends.

Here Edward is playing Olivia a lullaby.

Holly, Becki, Kelly, April and Angela in front of Bella's truck.

Me crossing the line to be next to Alice's car. Lyndsey was freaking out at my rule breaking.

Me and Lynds.

1 comment:

Lyndee W. said...

I love the pic of you and Lyndsey. You're absolutely gorgeous in every picture!