Our camping trip was almost ruined because we couldn't find anywhere to camp. Luckily my brother in law Kevin knew the perfect place in Kamas. It was great, no running water, but we had a stream, the perfect company and it was so beautiful up there.
Alina got to open more presents for her birthday. This is what she does when she's done listening, she puts her hand over her ears and says "blah, blah, blah." Apparently she was done talking about the presents, she wanted to open them.

Here is Olivia ticked off and dirty, this is normal for her.
We call Alina the bug whisperer. She can catch flies in mid air. She'll touch any type of creepy crawly thing and it doesn't bother her. One summer she got stung 3 times because she kept trying to keep pet bees in nerd boxes. Here she is using her new birthday present collecting large ants and who knows what else.
Tess and Kevin brought Camo, all the kids were so happy to play with him. He's so big he'd often knock Olivia over, but she loved him.

Shannon, Cameron, Kevin, Tessa, Melinda.
Olivia trying to eat pine cones. I swear most of her diet is dirt, no wonder she only weighs 18lbs and is almost 16 months old.

Kevin knows how to take a picture! At least my dad is smiling a little bit.
The first day Alina went through 3 pairs of clothes because she kept getting them wet. She just wouldn't put on her swimsuit, silly girl. 
Carson covered in dirt.

Olivia covered in dirt and throwing rocks in the water.

Cam sneaking pics of me.

Grandpa and Livvy Lou.
Me and Tessa.
We dared Austin to lay down in the water, it was cold! Love his expression!
Tessa, Greta, and Alina had a contest on who could hold their breath the longest.
Alina ticked off at me because I wanted to get a picture of how dirty she was. Gotta love that girl.
I love all the pictures that you post on your blog! They are all so cute!
in that picture of you and your sister sitting down, i can see why people used to think you guys were twins!!
It was actually me and Shannon they used to think were twins. That pic is of me and Tessa.
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