Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Reason #1 I Love Christmas

This is the note Austin left for Cameron and I last night with a little treat.

Our kids all have stockings on their doorknob for December. They are supposed to write nice notes to each other, leave treats, or whatever else they want. I love this tradition because my kids are always finding fun little things to do for each other. I love leaving them notes and having them come up and hug me and say "thank you mom." I love to watch them quickly hide something in someone's stocking. I love to hear little squeals of delight when something is found. I love the love that my little family shows to one another.


Jamie said...

That's good!! I just thought he really wanted a good toy and had to butter you all up first. smart kid. lol jk

Jenalee said...

AWESOME. We just put our stockings on our doorknobs.... ;)