Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years

For New Years our kids really wanted us to party with them, but we had been invited to the Coe's for an adult only party. So we decided to do both. We played games with the kids and had sparkling cider and treats until 9pm and then we went to the adult party. That way everyone was happy.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Alina Mae

Alina is so cute, witty and creative. On Christmas Eve she said to me, "Santa says Ho HO HO and Santa loves Jesus and Jesus married Mary and Mary had a little Lamb." Seriously where does she come up with this stuff?!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

Christmas for us this year was bitter sweet. Cameron is still out of work and so we didn't want to spend a lot on presents and we didn't have to. We had a bag of gifs delivered to us from "the knee high elves," for the kids and a gift certificate to Applebee's for Cam and I. We were very grateful. We had family also help us out by buying gifts for us to give to our kids. WE have been very touched by the kindness shown to us and hope to be able to return that kindness daily.

We had a great Christmas Eve with my family. We read the Luke 2 by candlelight and Austin and Greta played some christmas songs for everyone on the piano. On the way home the kids searched for Rudolf's red nose. They found it and it followed us all the way to our neighborhood.

We set out treats for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. The kids all slept together and anticipated Christmas morning. They woke up to too many presents, it was a little crazy.

We started the morning out with putting our baby Jesus in our service manger. I think this year was the softest his bed has been. Our kids did such a good job at being service oriented. They really thought hard on what to do for one another.

Then we started opening presents. Austin and Greta got their K'nex from Santa that they were hoping for. And Alina miraculously got the wedding barbie she wanted so badly. That barbie was sold out everywhere so I had to tell her that I wasn't sure if Santa would be able to bring it. She kept telling me she knew Santa would bring it and she was right. Thanks dad for giving Santa a tip on where to find it ;) And Olivia got a new binkie, toys and some snacks. That girl loves to eat.

This was the first year we had the kids use their own money to buy for each other. We took them to the dollar store to spend $3.00 each and they had a lot of fun doing it. It was exciting for them to watch each other open the presents they picked out.

We had a somewhat rushed Christmas morning because my brother Ryan on his mission in Peru was calling home that morning. So we rushed out there to talk to him and open even more presents.

It was a great Christmas. The kids were happy, we are all healthy and we have each other. That's what matters most and I'm grateful to know that.

I told all of the kids to pick their favorite present and I was very surprised to find what they picked. Austin picked his Hulk Abomination Blaster nerf gun (the gun is really cool), Greta picked a recorder that Grandma and Grandpa got for her, Livvy loves her new bike from Nana and Papa, and Alina picked a piece of paper she colored on.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

8 Month Old Olivia

Olivia is 8 months old and we couldn't possibly be enjoying her more. She's such a happy baby with a sweet disposition. Her only flaw is that she still isn't sleeping through the night. Since Cameron is out of a job he has been really sweet and will get up with her in the night and rock her back to sleep. We think her problem is that she is so spoiled with attention and love from the 5 of us that she wakes up at night and realizes she's been left all alone and gets ticked.

She will now only go to sleep if Cameron is the one who holds her. She was a daddy's girl before, but now it's a bit out of control. She always says "dada" in the morning when she sees him. If I ask her to say "mama" she'll look at me and say "dada." She's quite the little teaser already.

The mornings are her favorite because she gets to see everyone and she freely gives us each a dozen hugs and kisses, but her dad and Austin can get a few more from her.

She's very smart. She already knows when she is playing with something she shouldn't and if she thinks I might be close by she'll turn and look at me. I'll just stare back at her and she'll try to crawl away with whatever treasure she has found. She also knows what I mean when I ask her for a hug or kiss and will give one to me when I ask her for one.

She still loves her bath and crys when she has to get out. She has the cutest smile and loves to make spitting sounds with her tongue. She crawls everywhere and in no time will be walking. All of us just love her to pieces and can't imagine our life with our little squishy princess.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Making Christmas Decorations

We had a craft night making snowflakes, christmas pictures, ornaments and whatever else our creative kids could think of. The kids were a bit hyper and crazy and it was a great night. Our house has decorations on every wall and it looks fabulous!

Even Cam was crazy that night.

Greta made this Christmas tree and she realized it was mask. We all found it very funny and made her wear it over and over.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Our little Olivia came down with an ear infection and the doctor put her on amoxicillin. Well after a couple days of being on it she broke out in hives. She looked so miserable, but still smiled through it all. Olivia, Greta and I are all allergic to amoxicillin, we have to have the expensive stuff!

This isn't the first time she has had hives. When she was born she broke out in hives all the time and I finally figured out that it was my laundry detergent. After trying many different kinds I finally found one that works that only Costco sells. I'm hoping that when I run out after 400 loads that I will be able to find it again, or that she will have outgrown her allergic reaction.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Thanksgiving this year was a bit interesting for us. Cameron was let go at his job with Morris Murdock the day before Thanksgiving. It wasn't the news I was expecting to hear that day. It came as a quite a shock, but we decided not to worry about it until after Thanksgiving weekend.

We had dinner with my family this year and the food was wonderful. It was nice to be with family, especially with our current news. We weren't going to tell anybody we were jobless, but everyone kept trying to get a gameplan with me on shopping for the next day so I finally told them I wouldn't be doing any shopping and why.

I'm grateful to our families for all their prayers and support on our behalf.

We had a great day hanging out and just being together as a family. I love days like this, I wish there were more of them in the year.

Austin, Cam and Kevin playing some Thanksgiving Day football.

Shannon, mom and all the grandkids drawing pictures for Uncle Ryan's Christmas package to Peru. He only has 3 months left!

Tessa and Melinda

Matthew and Shane

The cutest baby ever.

Proud grandparents with our Livvy Lou and the newest addition for Matthew and Melinda Madison Mae.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Christmas in November

Cameron really wanted to put up our Christmas decorations 2 weeks before Thanksgiving so we compromised and put them up a week early. The kids were very excited. Olivia loved playing with all the lights. We can't wait for Christmas!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Moon Experience

So my friend Janet who I didn't even get a picture of is a BIG Twilight fan and I decided to help her work the New Moon Experience at the South Towne Expo this year. Because I worked it I was able to get a free t-shirt, gift bag, into the event for free and see the movie for free. It was actually a lot of fun. Lots of my friends from my ward helped too. And my favorite cousin Lyndsey.

The movie was great and I had a lot of fun just getting out of the house and hanging out with my friends.

Here Edward is playing Olivia a lullaby.

Holly, Becki, Kelly, April and Angela in front of Bella's truck.

Me crossing the line to be next to Alice's car. Lyndsey was freaking out at my rule breaking.

Me and Lynds.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Shooting Expedition

Austin was so excited that we let him get a BB gun for his birthday. When Cameron came to me with the idea I said NO WAY! But Cam kept talking about it and getting Austin pumped up about it so I caved.

After his baptism Cameron and Austin went out to the desert to shoot his new gun. Austin had a blast and wants to go all the time now.

These pumpkins never had a chance.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Austin's Baptism

Our Austin is 8 and is now baptized. We have been having FHE lessons for about 2 months now on baptism and what it means. Austin was ready and anxious for his big day.

I got to do a spotlight on Austin and I shared some of the funny things he's said and done throughout his life. I told the story of when Austin as 2 and he picked up two rocks and walked up to his dad and said, "you want a rock?" Dad said, "yes," and then tried to take one from Austin and Austin said "no dad you get your own rock."

Another time right before he turned 3 Austin was telling his dad and I how much he loved us. I then said to him, "well what about baby Greta, do you love her too?" Austin said after much contemplation, "Hmmmm.....I'm not sure yet."

He also loved to yell "COCONUTS!" We asked you how to say please in spanish and he yelled "COCONUTS."

When he was 5 he got sick and had to go and see the doctor. His tummy hurt really bad and he as worried they were going to have to take out your tummy. The doctor said it was strep and that you would have to take medicine for it. You looked up at me and said "I have to take more medicine....I'm doomed!"

And then I told the story of driving to see Grandma and Grandpa for Sunday dinner. You were being really quiet and asked you if you were okay. You were silent so I siad, "Well I'll take that as a yes." And you said right back to me, "You can take that as a no."

Cameron gave Austin a beautiful blessing for his Confirmation.

It was a great day. Austin had his friends Braden, Sean and Carter and their families come to support him. And Lyndee played the piano for me and Shelley gave a prayer. My parents and my brother Matthew and his family came and Mike Spencer also made the trip and he brought Crystal with him.

Afterwards we went to our home for a lunch and once everybody was gone Cameron took Austin out to shoot his new BB gun.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Halloween was great! We had such a fun eventful week with Halloween parties at the school and carving pumpkins. Greta came home from school on Friday after her school Halloween party and said, "this is the best day of my life."

Saturday we enjoyed spending time together as a family while anticipating Trick or Treating that night.

The kids got a ton of candy and had fun going door to door with their friends. After we finished our neighborhood we went to a haunted house created by April Hintze's brother in another neighborhood in Eagle Mountain. There was a cemetery outside that we had to walk through to get to the entrance to the haunted house. Once inside we heard spooky sounds and saw haunted mirrors, cadavers, and jars full of who knows what. The butcher knife wielding skeleton that jumped at us got a scream from Holly and was the final straw for Greta, who immediately said, "How do we get out of here?" It was such a maze that she wasn't sure we knew how to get out. We finally made it and were rewarded with candy bars from a guy in a coffin. On the way out Alina was worried about the people coming behind us and said "I hope they make it out alive."

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween Party

The Hintze family had the Halloween party at their home this year and everyone had a great time. We ate taco soup and had ghoulish treats. April had a spooky fishing pond for the kids, cookie decorating, and a pinata. All the costumes were adorable and the company perfect.