Monday, December 12, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Greta's Party
Greta celebrated her birthday party with 5 of her closest friends plus her 2 sisters. They ate pizza, watched a movie, had popcorn, decorated a gingerbread house and did a lot of laughing.

Sarah Lillie, Greta Robinson, Alyssa Vehar, Alina Robinson, Olivia Robinson, Hannah Coe, Megan Gee, Peyton Barrus.
Sarah Lillie, Greta Robinson, Alyssa Vehar, Alina Robinson, Olivia Robinson, Hannah Coe, Megan Gee, Peyton Barrus.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Our Christmas Tree
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Greta's Baptism
Greta's baptism weekend was a busy, but wonderful one. Friday night the kids waited for their Nana and Papa to show up along with their aunt Crystal and cousins. They could hardly wait. We had a little bit of excitement happen to make the time go by faster. A bunch of cows broke through a fence and covered our neighbors lawn. It was quite entertaining. We had to call the cops because these were big cows with horns!
When everyone arrived there was a lot of laughter and fun. We haven't seen each other for almost a year. The kids snuggled up in the basement to talk and watch movies.
The baptism was at 10:20am Saturday morning. It was hard to get ready because Santa was coming by on the fire truck to throw candy. We just didn't know what time and none of the kids wanted to shower for fear they'd miss Santa. Luckily nobody missed him and they all got candy.
I got to do a spotlight on Greta and talk about how wonderful she is. Cameron and I are so glad she is here. So glad she is our daughter and so thankful to Heavenly Father for her.
She was nervous, but did great. And the dress she picked out was beautiful and she received several compliments on it.
We headed over to our house for lunch and family time. It was nice to have everyone there to visit with. I love my families.

Sunday on the way to my parents house we did a quick little photo shoot before the sun went down. It was FREEZING and Greta wasn't happy about it, but we got some great pics.

This is my favorite.
When everyone arrived there was a lot of laughter and fun. We haven't seen each other for almost a year. The kids snuggled up in the basement to talk and watch movies.
The baptism was at 10:20am Saturday morning. It was hard to get ready because Santa was coming by on the fire truck to throw candy. We just didn't know what time and none of the kids wanted to shower for fear they'd miss Santa. Luckily nobody missed him and they all got candy.
I got to do a spotlight on Greta and talk about how wonderful she is. Cameron and I are so glad she is here. So glad she is our daughter and so thankful to Heavenly Father for her.
She was nervous, but did great. And the dress she picked out was beautiful and she received several compliments on it.
We headed over to our house for lunch and family time. It was nice to have everyone there to visit with. I love my families.

Sunday on the way to my parents house we did a quick little photo shoot before the sun went down. It was FREEZING and Greta wasn't happy about it, but we got some great pics.

This is my favorite.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Greta's Birthday Bed
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Nov 7th
Livy: Mom, where's Austin?
Me: Playing
Livy: Oh, I miss him, he's cute.
Nov 14th
Me: Livy do you want 1 or 2 cookies?
Livy: I want four!
Nov 29-Olivia: Mom I bonked my nuggets!
Me: Oh no, where are your nuggets?
Olivia: My nuggets right here (touching her leg) and my chicken nuggets right here (touching her elbow).
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Austin's Birthday Night Out
Our kids have really struggled this year with what they want for their birthday. We usually let them pick out one thing but this year we changed it up. We decided they get a date night with mom and dad to do whatever they want. Here was Austin's itenary for the night.
Bowling (Cam won and bowled one of his best games ever)
Race to find objects at walmart that start with every letter of the alphabet. This was my idea and I was on a team by myself and smoked them!! :)
It was such a fun night, I can't wait to do it with my girls!

Bowling (Cam won and bowled one of his best games ever)
Race to find objects at walmart that start with every letter of the alphabet. This was my idea and I was on a team by myself and smoked them!! :)
It was such a fun night, I can't wait to do it with my girls!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Funny Olivia
Oct 18
Every time I ask Livy to clean her room she says, "SHHHH mom my baby is sleepin'. I think she's found a clever way to ignore me and tell me to shut up, and she knows it. What am I going to do with this 2 year old?!
Oct 28th
Conversation Livy and I had while getting her ready....
Me: go get me a diaper Liv.
Olivia: why mom, you pooped?
Friday, October 28, 2011
Double Digits Austin
Austin reached double digits today. I can't believe he's that old! Where does the time go? It seems like yesterday I was getting very impatient for him to be born. He was born on a Saturday and on Friday I went to work ticked off that I was still there. I remember doing jumping jacks trying to go into labor and all the guys I worked with thought I was crazy but tried to come up with other ways to get me into labor.
Friday night Cam and I were at my mom's house watching "The Wedding Planner" and I was having contractions, but they weren't close enough. Then finally after a few hours they got close enough. Cameron and one of my dear friends Becki Vawdrey took me to the hospital. I was yelling at them and telling them they were going the wrong way (they weren't). I must have been somewhat out of it from the contractions.
When we got there they put me in a room and checked me. I was only dialated to a 4...a FOUR that's all this pain had gotten me to. Then they said I had to go home because since it was my first I'd be in labor a long time. I remember thinking to myself, "are you kidding me, I'm not driving all the way home on bumpy roads again!" Right then my water broke so they had to keep me. Yay!
As they were cleaning things up we heard HORRIBLE screaming coming from another room. The worst screaming I'd ever heard. Now you have to understand this was my first baby and I was adamant that I was going natural. I even had a birth plan written. I couldn't imagine why that lady was screaming so loudly. Then the nurse looked at me and said, "don't worry she's screaming because she's going natural." I looked at her with terrified eyes and said, "I'm going natural." She paused and said, "oh, you'll be fine."
I was freaked out to say the least. I tried everything to get comfortable and nothing was working. I finally gave into the epideral. It was the greatest thing EVER! Except Cameron thought it was funny that my legs were completely numb and he kept letting them fall off the table. He's learned since then. ;)
When it came time to push they told me to get started because I would probably push for an hour since it was my first. I pushed once and the nurses eyes got big and said, "STOP!" Then they ran to call the doctor because Austin was coming. The doctor took 1 hour to get there. If I had gone natural one of those nurses would've had to catch my baby, but since I couldn't feel anything at all it worked out.
Austin had a huge cone head since he was waiting to come out for so long, but he was beautiful. We were so happy to have started our family. And now here we are 10 years later. I'm so grateful for my sweet boy. He's such a good kid in so many ways. He brings something special to our home that only he can. I thank my Heavenly Father every day for my son. Happy Birthday Austin!
He's not feeling very well today and his birthday party plans with friends didn't work out. So we are going to carve pumpkins, make carmel popcorn, pig out on junk food and watch halloween movies.
We celebrated with my family at my brother's house with his niece Madison who turned 2 on the 23rd.

And here he is tired of me taking pics of him. These are the only faces he gives me now days. I love it!
Friday night Cam and I were at my mom's house watching "The Wedding Planner" and I was having contractions, but they weren't close enough. Then finally after a few hours they got close enough. Cameron and one of my dear friends Becki Vawdrey took me to the hospital. I was yelling at them and telling them they were going the wrong way (they weren't). I must have been somewhat out of it from the contractions.
When we got there they put me in a room and checked me. I was only dialated to a 4...a FOUR that's all this pain had gotten me to. Then they said I had to go home because since it was my first I'd be in labor a long time. I remember thinking to myself, "are you kidding me, I'm not driving all the way home on bumpy roads again!" Right then my water broke so they had to keep me. Yay!
As they were cleaning things up we heard HORRIBLE screaming coming from another room. The worst screaming I'd ever heard. Now you have to understand this was my first baby and I was adamant that I was going natural. I even had a birth plan written. I couldn't imagine why that lady was screaming so loudly. Then the nurse looked at me and said, "don't worry she's screaming because she's going natural." I looked at her with terrified eyes and said, "I'm going natural." She paused and said, "oh, you'll be fine."
I was freaked out to say the least. I tried everything to get comfortable and nothing was working. I finally gave into the epideral. It was the greatest thing EVER! Except Cameron thought it was funny that my legs were completely numb and he kept letting them fall off the table. He's learned since then. ;)
When it came time to push they told me to get started because I would probably push for an hour since it was my first. I pushed once and the nurses eyes got big and said, "STOP!" Then they ran to call the doctor because Austin was coming. The doctor took 1 hour to get there. If I had gone natural one of those nurses would've had to catch my baby, but since I couldn't feel anything at all it worked out.
Austin had a huge cone head since he was waiting to come out for so long, but he was beautiful. We were so happy to have started our family. And now here we are 10 years later. I'm so grateful for my sweet boy. He's such a good kid in so many ways. He brings something special to our home that only he can. I thank my Heavenly Father every day for my son. Happy Birthday Austin!
He's not feeling very well today and his birthday party plans with friends didn't work out. So we are going to carve pumpkins, make carmel popcorn, pig out on junk food and watch halloween movies.
We celebrated with my family at my brother's house with his niece Madison who turned 2 on the 23rd.

And here he is tired of me taking pics of him. These are the only faces he gives me now days. I love it!
Silly Olivia
Oh my goodness this little girl is so adorable. She's always saying and doing the funniest things. Here's our conversation from this morning while getting her ready for the day...
Me: Livy go get me a diaper.
Livy: Why mom, you pooped?

She's also been playing with Garrett Lillie and she gets him to do the silliest things. Sometimes he comes out in her church dress and the other day she had him walk around all day with a ball in his stomach because he was having a baby. If you look at her face in this pic she's about ready to tell him something he isn't doing right. No wonder Garrett loves it when his mom shows up. Hahaha.

I got a new lens yesterday and wanted to try it out. Livy gets so tired of me taking pics of her. I begged her for one more, but she refused to fully face the camera. If you know her well, you can see on her face the "alright mom, but I'm not going to do everything you say." Hence the not fully facing the camera like I was asking her to.

Then last weekend she stayed with my parents. From all the partying she ended up getting gum in her hair. Here's how the conversation went...
My mom: Livy how did you get gum in your hair?
Olivia: My mom did it.
My mom: (laughing)
Olivia: It's not funny.
Me: Livy go get me a diaper.
Livy: Why mom, you pooped?
She's also been playing with Garrett Lillie and she gets him to do the silliest things. Sometimes he comes out in her church dress and the other day she had him walk around all day with a ball in his stomach because he was having a baby. If you look at her face in this pic she's about ready to tell him something he isn't doing right. No wonder Garrett loves it when his mom shows up. Hahaha.
I got a new lens yesterday and wanted to try it out. Livy gets so tired of me taking pics of her. I begged her for one more, but she refused to fully face the camera. If you know her well, you can see on her face the "alright mom, but I'm not going to do everything you say." Hence the not fully facing the camera like I was asking her to.
Then last weekend she stayed with my parents. From all the partying she ended up getting gum in her hair. Here's how the conversation went...
My mom: Livy how did you get gum in your hair?
Olivia: My mom did it.
My mom: (laughing)
Olivia: It's not funny.

Thursday, September 29, 2011
Livy and Food
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Miss Bossy Pants
This is a conversation livy and I had while changing her diaper.
Me: Livy don't play with the wipes (in a sing songy mom voice)
Livy: Don't play with the wipes (in the same voice as she plays with the wipes more)
I think to myself, I wonder if she thinks I'm talking to Garrett, her neighbor friend.
Me: Livy I was talking to you.
Livy: No mom I'm talking to you.
Me: Livy don't play with the wipes (in a sing songy mom voice)
Livy: Don't play with the wipes (in the same voice as she plays with the wipes more)
I think to myself, I wonder if she thinks I'm talking to Garrett, her neighbor friend.
Me: Livy I was talking to you.
Livy: No mom I'm talking to you.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Miss Sassy Pants
Mom: Livy do you want peanut butter on a spoon or bread?
Livy: Ummmmmmmmm.......a fork.
Mom: Livy do you want to wear this shirt or this shirt? Livy: Ummmmmm.....just pants mom.
Livy: Mom I need to tell you a secret.
Mom: (I scoot in close and smell something not so nice)
Livy: silence
Mom: I bet your secret is that you have a surpise in your pants for me.
Livy: (whispering)no.
Mom: Are you tricking me?
Livy: (whispering) Yes I tricking you mom.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Jersey #8
Austin had his first football game yesterday. As a parent I always get stressed out when my kids perform.
I want them to do their best, and never give up.
I want them to be proud of themselves.
The first of the game we got slaughtered. Austin was playing wide receiver, but they only did running plays.
Then the 2nd half of the game they had Austin play on defense, which is what we knew he was good at.
The other team had really big players.
One of their big players caught it.
Austin went after him and missed the tackle and was down on the ground.
The boy kept running in for a touchdown.
The next thing we knew Austin came out of nowhere and tackled him hard all by himself, after he had already tried to tackle him and missed.
It was awesome!
Austin can run.
That's why we nicknamed him Dash when he was little.
The team's spirit was back.
He sacked the quarterback.
Austin became a tackling machine.
They finally threw a pass at him and he caught it.
The only catch made on his team.
At the end of the game they awarded 5 trophies.
Austin won 2 of them. One for best tackler, and the other for best defensive player.
Once they realized how awesome Austin was on defense, offense, and the kick off teams he played all 4.
And he was able to hold the other team from scoring more.
He was tired, but excited.
We are so proud of him and his effort for not giving up when it would've been easy to do so.
I want them to do their best, and never give up.
I want them to be proud of themselves.
The first of the game we got slaughtered. Austin was playing wide receiver, but they only did running plays.
Then the 2nd half of the game they had Austin play on defense, which is what we knew he was good at.
The other team had really big players.
One of their big players caught it.
Austin went after him and missed the tackle and was down on the ground.
The boy kept running in for a touchdown.
The next thing we knew Austin came out of nowhere and tackled him hard all by himself, after he had already tried to tackle him and missed.
It was awesome!
Austin can run.
That's why we nicknamed him Dash when he was little.
The team's spirit was back.
He sacked the quarterback.
Austin became a tackling machine.
They finally threw a pass at him and he caught it.
The only catch made on his team.
At the end of the game they awarded 5 trophies.
Austin won 2 of them. One for best tackler, and the other for best defensive player.
Once they realized how awesome Austin was on defense, offense, and the kick off teams he played all 4.
And he was able to hold the other team from scoring more.
He was tired, but excited.
We are so proud of him and his effort for not giving up when it would've been easy to do so.
Friday, August 26, 2011
What it's all about...
Recently the YW lessons I have been teaching have really made me stop and think.
What is life all about?
Why do we have trials?
I've also come across some blogs of people who have lost their little children to sickness and accidents.
My heart hurts so much for these people and makes me wonder how they can even cope.
And then I taught a lesson on eternal perspective.
We have such a limited understanding of the love our Heavenly Father has for us.
He give us trials to make us grow.
To refine us.
To make us worthy to return to Him.
I am so blessed to have the knowledge of the gospel.
I'm so grateful for callings that make me grow and expound my understanding of eternal principles.
I'm grateful for moments that help me remember what's important.
I'm grateful to be home with my children.
I'm grateful that I get to be a mom, a wife, a daughter, and a friend.
I'm so very blessed.
And I want to make each moment count with my little ones.
For that is what matters most.
What is life all about?
Why do we have trials?
I've also come across some blogs of people who have lost their little children to sickness and accidents.
My heart hurts so much for these people and makes me wonder how they can even cope.
And then I taught a lesson on eternal perspective.
We have such a limited understanding of the love our Heavenly Father has for us.
He give us trials to make us grow.
To refine us.
To make us worthy to return to Him.
I am so blessed to have the knowledge of the gospel.
I'm so grateful for callings that make me grow and expound my understanding of eternal principles.
I'm grateful for moments that help me remember what's important.
I'm grateful to be home with my children.
I'm grateful that I get to be a mom, a wife, a daughter, and a friend.
I'm so very blessed.
And I want to make each moment count with my little ones.
For that is what matters most.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
New Camera
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