Austin's teacher Mr. Parks this year was a first year teacher who wasn't very organized and never really challenged Austin. He became very bored, part of that was his own fault for not trying anymore. It was a very disappointing year for him and Austin didn't ever care to get a picture with him. I wish I would've made him now.
Alina loved her teacher Ms. Weber. She is getting better at reading and can recognize all her letters now. I often helped out in her class and was shocked at how much she knew because at home she acts like she doesn't know anything. She enjoyed all the fun things that the last week of school had to offer.
Greta had the best teacher by far this year. Her name was Mrs. Zmoos, Mrs. Z for short. She was so good with her classroom and Greta thoroughly enjoyed learning. Greta has had such a hard time knowing that school is ending. When we got home she cried and cried about having to leave 1st grade. It's especially hard for her because Mrs. Z is moving to Iowa so her husband can attend dental school. Greta knows she won't see her again. When we got home from school today Greta wanted me to take her back for a picture with Mrs. Z and one last goodbye. We are so grateful that Greta had such a great year in school. She has grown in so many ways. They shy little girl who wouldn't talk to anyone is gone and we know that that is largely because she had such a wonderful teacher.

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