Peggy has a bad hip and needs a new one badly. She has been denied any financial help from the state. Her surgery has been postponed 3 times that I'm aware of and Peggy's hip just gets worse.
Bella Lillie came up with a great idea to do a fundraiser for Peggy so her and the rest of the activity day girls sent flyers out for a neighborhood movie under the stars with all proceeds going for a new hip for Peggy. April thought it was a great idea and decided to do a garage sale the same day. April, Shelley, Becki, and I spent Friday night pricing items, there were so many donated items it took forever. We had fun though and all of our kids were the first to spend money and they all spent a lot of our money! Austin ended up with a very interesting painting of tigers, I'll have to do a post about that later.
Saturday morning we all woke up at 6:00am and went to work setting things out. We made treats to sell and April also had a cotton candy and snow cone machine. It was a great success and everyone helped take a load of what was leftover to the DI.
That night we all went to the park for the movie with more homemade goodies to buy. We watched Enchanted and then the sprinklers came on and the whole crowd moved at lightening speed, it was hilarious. We had to end the night early, but it was also a great success. Greta actually got sick in the middle of the night from all the cotton candy and snow cones, it was worth it though.
We have such a wonderful ward and neighborhood, I was glad to be a part of this and grateful that my kids could be as well. We had a good FHE Monday night on love and what was done for Peggy. We wish Peggy the best of luck, all my kids love her and her gummi bears.
Becki Lillie, Kelli Wilde and April Triggs.
It was pretty funny, huh!? {giggle} Everyone took off like a shot from a gun!
What a great idea! Such good little achievement day girls. Hopefully Peggy will be able to have her surgery soon.
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