Cam and I were sitting downstairs and one of the kids flushed the toilet, here is our conversation about it....
Cam: (look of utter confusion) What was that sound?
Holly: One of the kids flushed the toilet.
Cam: Geese, I thought it was rushing water or something.
Holly: (I look at him to see if he's serious and he is) That 's exactly what it was babe.
Cam: (A look of confusion and then ohhhh and then he laughs his head off.)

Austin: Mom how much do motor homes cost?
Mom: I don't know like $50K or something.
Austin (moaning) Oh it's going to take forever!
Mom. What's going to take forever?
Austin: Me and my friends are saving up our money to buy a motor home.
Mom: Why?
Austin: Because we decided we don't want to go to school so if you buy a motor home you have to live in the woods were there aren't schools and then we can kill rattlesnakes.
Mom: How much do you have?
Austin: $45.00
Mom: Wow, ya it's going to take awhile, just keep saving.

Greta: Mom I can't wait to be a mom like you.
Mom: (gushing with pride) Why do you want to be a mom?
Greta: So I can stay up late.

We were at the dinner table last night asking the kids what they learned in Primary. Here is what Alina learned.
Mom: What did you learn Alina?
Alina: (In a sing songy voice) I learned....
I am a child of God
And you have to clean the yucky stuff off your shirt (as she cleans half of her dinner off her shirt)
And then you have to do a pliƩ (from Bella Dancerella)
And Dumb Dog why are you following me (From Annie)
Gotta love it. :0)
Your kids are hilarious...and so is Cameron!! I was laughing so hard about the flushing toilet.
Okay, now I understand why Braden is asking me so many questions about motor homes. He was relieved to hear that some of them do come with TV's in them. Our kids have quite the imagination. And I wasn't in nursery on Sunday so for all I know Alina might have learned about dumb dogs and dance moves, we try to teach them all we can.
Your kids are funny! Love the pictures with the flowers. Very pretty.
I laughed really hard at all the comments, and I am tired of Carter trying to steal all the change he possibly can. Maybe they can live in april's pop up trailer.
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