Sunday, November 16, 2008


This is what I woke up to.

Austin: Dad can you spell CUP?
Dad: C U P (see you pee)
Austin and Dad laughing hysterically
Dad: Can you spell I cup ( I see you pee)
More hysterical laughing.
Austin: Hey dad why were you under there?
Dad: Under Where? (underwear)
The laughing doesn't stop this time.


Lyndee W. said...

I've never heard the underwear one! Totally cute!

Ashlee said...

What's funny is that it doesn't matter what age they are...boys still think it's funny. :0)

Cameron said...

Holly, you forgot the one you taught us...

Jamie said...

Yeah Holly what one did you teach them? I wanna know! LOL

Lyndee W. said...

Lyle just read this and giggled!

Cameron said...

If you're an American outside the bathroom, what are you when you go inside?


(Is that how it went, Holly?)

Jamie said...


Holly said...

I don't know what your talking about Cameron, I'm a lady and don't do potty humor;)

Lyndee W. said...

I love reading our commentary...sometimes it's funnier than the post!