I was quite nervous about going because she wanted to watch a scary movie called "The Changeling." I don't do so well in scary movies, I usually hurt myself or others around me from jumping so hard, and I scream. Luckily Shelley brought a blanket so I could cover my eyes half the time while Shelley looked through her fingers at all the scary parts. And Becki made sure to let us know what babies we were for being so scared. My goal in life now is to make Becki so scared that she just might have a little accident;)
Jamie had awesome Halloween decorations and really got me in the Halloween mood. She also made these awesome treats that look like fingers with bloody fingernails, mmmmmm they were good.
After the movie Jamie brought out "the pole." It's not a stripper pole mind you, but an exercise pole, at least that's what Jamie tells people when they come over;) Shelley, Jamie and I had a great time spinning around on "the pole" and now I want one.
There were more who tried but from reading the other girls blogs we aren't mentioning them, but the Primary President (who's name I won't mention) was up there and she was awesome! Greta plays with Jamie's daughter Hannah and always talks about how much fun "the pole" is, she was right!
I laughed so hard that night girls it was great fun. Thanks Jamie for hosting an awesome night that I won't forget.

It's not so much that I'm trying to keep the others a secret...I just want to make sure they'd be okay with public photos of them "hookin' it up"! I'll email the pic of you eating the finger!
haha I love the part where you said " At least that's what she tells everyone" You were a natural!! Come over anytime you want to swing!~ Thanks for coming I enjoy your company, we all need to hang out more, you and the girls are all so fun to be around. p.s I will help you scare the pants off of Becky any day!! hehe ;)
I never took you for a pole dancer. :0)
We sure missed you guys this weekend. Can't wait to see you soon!
To be honest with you, the reason I have such a complex about it was because my mom said no one had ever hurt her before like I did (because I had a pole) except when my sister died. Talk about a dagger in the heart LOL
Sweet I want a non stripper pole too! Looks lieke fun :)
You will never scare me. I am unscareable. He He He.
A stripper pole! Never thought I'd see the day...
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